With the latest versions of MechWorks PDM, (R20 build (sp2.0) will be released soon), please reference the [Compatibility] tab from each of the URLs below to validate the latest versions of the CAD applications that are supported. Currently, they are:
- Solid Edge 2022
- Inventor 2022
- SolidWorks 2022
- AutoCAD 2023
- DraftSight 2021
As always, we recommend that existing environments properly test/evaluate an upgrade to the desired CAD application with the proper version of MechWorks PDM before deploying the updated applications within their production environment. For more on the compatibility for the various CAD versions, please reference the [Compatibility] tab from the following sites:
- https://www.mechworks.com/solidedge-pdm-dbsolidedge/
- https://mechworks.com/autodesk-pdm–dbinventor–mechworks/
- https://www.mechworks.com/solidworks-pdm-dbworks-pdm-for-ds-solidworks/
- https://www.mechworks.com/standalone-client/
Each of the [Compatibility] tabs from the pages above contain additional details regarding supported operating systems, etc.